SVC Foundation exceeds $3 million goal!
THANKS to our community of supporters, we reached — and exceeded — our goal! In January of 2015, Skagit Valley College launched its first-ever major Campaign to Remove Barriers to student achievement. At the outset, our goal was to raise $3 million in 3 years for 3...Your Generosity, Your Impact, Your Skagit Valley College
Your Generosity Your Impact Your Skagit Valley College WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO SUPPORT SVC STUDENTS, you help create tomorrow’s success story: the next nurse who cares for the sick, the next single mom to gain economic self-sufficiency or the next social worker to combat...
SVC Foundation celebrates the life of Shayla K. Martin through a new Memorial Scholarship
The Shayla K. Martin Memorial Scholarship was established by Shayla’s daughter, Tanya Young, to honor the life of her mother, who was a victim of the Cascade Mall shooting. This endowed scholarship is designed to assist SVC students for many years to come.