In Kind Donations

In-Kind Donations

Do you have a used car, piece of equipment, or materials you would like to donate to Skagit Valley College? Equipment and materials are the life-blood of our workforce programs. Many SVC programs depend heavily on the generosity of our community to help keep programs up-to-date with the latest technology and in good supply of important materials. In-kind gifts can make a big difference for our College programs and our students’ experience!

Please contact us to tell us about your gift. We will check in with the College program to be sure it is a good fit.

  • Anne Clark, Vice President for College Advancement, Interim Executive Director
    Major Gifts, Planned Giving, or General Inquiries 
  • Kathleen Petrzelka, Director of Philanthropy
    Scholarships, Major Gifts, Planned Giving, Annual Giving, Alumni, General Inquiries
  • Tanna Baker, Foundation Coordinator
    Scholarships, General Inquiries

Check out our In-Kind Giving form here!