Nancy Anderson
An Employee Giving Story
I give
Nancy Anderson
Wellness, Fitness, & Nutrition Instructor/ PE Department Chair
“I give, because we serve students with incredible potential – but these students face many obstacles in completing their educational goals. Frequently, financial obstacles are one of the greatest barriers for their success. Giving is one way to support student success! In addition to student scholarships, the Foundation has allowed innovative teaching, employee recognition and experiential learning to continue in spite of reduced state funding.”
Join the Movement
Join Nancy, be a part of SVC’s Employee Giving Campaign today!
Your support will impact SVC students through scholarships, emergency and childcare funding, the opportunity for excellence fund or area of greatest need.
Whether you can give a lot or a little, we hope you participate in a way that is meaningful to you, at any amount. We are truly grateful for every gift that supports SVC students and programs.