Removing Barriers, A Campaign for Student Achiveement and Excellence

Ford Golf 2024 is SOLD OUT – thank you to our sponsors and teams for making this happen, we look forward to seeing you August 2, 2024!

If you missed signing up, please email us at to be put on the mailing list for next year.

Sponsors, Golfers and Friends of the SVC Foundation!

Mark your calendars for Friday, August 2, 2024 as we celebrate 36 amazing years of supporting students and fun on the course! Join us for good cheer, high fives, and gratitude for this event and our Ford Golf community.

We look forward to seeing you in August!


In Memory of

Dr. James M. Ford

His legacy and passion for supporting students continues.

“Our student’s educational goals are vital and your participation in this tournament makes it all possible.”

— Dr. James M. Ford, Event Founder, (1927 – 2017)

James Ford
Removing Barriers, A Campaign for Student Achiveement and Excellence